Agriculture is the major means of support for Liberians to provide food for their own families. Some of what they are able to grow is sold at the nearest community market and the little income derived provides for soap, salt, and whatever little items they can afford.
AMI works to provide tools and equipment, fertilizer, pesticide, and seeds to assist these families with planting and raising rice and other vegetable crops. The mission also works to provide starter animals for the Liberians to raise to produce meat production including pigs, chickens, guinea fowl, rabbits, sheep, and goats. Help is also provided for building fisheries and providing starter fish to grow and raise for sale and consumption.
Current Projects
Our goal is to build a livestock system for goats and pigs that will produce income for the village. We are sowing seeds of prosperity to the people by providing tools, livestock, seeds, and training.
With your help we hope to promote the sustainability of farms and of livelihoods.
How can you help? You can donate to Amberia’s general fund, where the board prioritizes each area according to current need(s), or you can donate to a specific need that God has put on your heart.
Sowing Seeds of Prosperity with Tools, Seeds, and Support for Sustainable Farming and Livelihoods